Revolutionary cooling for federal, state, and local government

Smardt oil-free chillers save both energy and the environment.

High efficiency at full and part-load.

Smardt oil-free chillers are operating in hundreds of government installations. These include office buildings and military bases throughout the world. 

Heating and cooling requirements vary. Both with the season’s ambient temperatures and usage. For instance, when troops are home, military bases have a full complement of soldiers and civilians. And your Smardt oil-free chillers operates with high efficiency at full load. 

However, when forces are deployed, the Smardt oil-free chiller can easily be turned down to part-load. High-speed variable-frequency operation provides outstanding part-load energy efficiency, compactness, and best-in-class soft-start capacity. 

Energy savings lowers operating costs

Proprietary magnetic bearings replace conventional oil-lubricated bearings. The result? Minimal friction and mechanical wear. Longer bearing life. And no fouling to degrade heat transfer efficiency. That’s why the Smardt oil-free chillers are 35% to 50% more energy efficient than conventional chillers. With proven long-term reliability.

Optimal heat transfer

In conventional lubricated chillers, oil may gradually accumulate on heat transfer surfaces. According to ASHRAE , this can cause heat transfer efficiency to decline by 15% to 25% over time. But Smardt chillers are oil-free. No lubrication system. No oil leakage. No fouling. Heat exchanger surfaces remain clean and unclogged. Ensuring consistent performance for many years of operation.


Voters increasingly want environmentally responsible government. Smardt’s commitment to the environment includes a range of chillers that operate with low-GWP refrigerants. Check out our G-Class product suite to learn more. In addition, some Smardt models run on direct current from solar panels and other renewable energy sources.

Reduces down-time.

Smardt oil-free chillers can be equipped with redundant controllers, multiple refrigerant circuits, and redundant compressors. This extensive redundancy design helps maximize system availability. For instance, should one compressor go offline, the others continue to deliver cooling. And an advanced Smardt Fast Restart feature gets the downed compressor up and running again. Typically within just 120 seconds or less.

Features and benefits

Learn more about our Smardt government installations

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